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  • Sanjana Melody

Why a Career in Data Engineering is best for Computer Science Graduates

COVID-19 has completely turned the world upside down. 2020 was predicted to be a great year in terms of progress but this pandemic changed everything. Without any stable solution, no one knows when or how long it might take this world to break free from the effects of COVID-19. Whether it is business plans or personal plans, everything has taken a step back.

Apart from social, economic, and physical effects, this pandemic has also affected education and career greatly. With businesses closing down and many losing their jobs, having a job is an advantage. A greater advantage would be to know the path to a career that will be stable at this unstable time, especially if you are a computer science graduate. Is there such a career at this time? Yes, it is Data Science and Data Engineering.

Let’s find out how data science can provide a stable career for you and how a data science course can benefit you greatly.

How Data Engineering Suits Computer Science Graduates

Peter Sondergaard, senior VP and Head of Research at Gartner, Inc said: “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” This statement clearly defines how big data and analytics play an important part in creating a stable career. Businesses can thrive and profit in this situation if they use big data to make informed decisions. Such companies not only have a competitive advantage in the market but also the potential to create stable jobs. Data science is studying big data, analyzing it, and extracting meaningful insight or knowledge that has business value. Data engineering is converting that knowledge into practical application with means of the right tools. Though data and data analysis have been there for a long time, big data is different in how it shapes the economy now.

Working with big data requires more than the usual skills. Not everyone can analyze and practically apply extracted technical information to use. This is why training in data science and data engineering is required. Those with a computer science degree are better suited for data engineering when compared to other fields. Let’s check how and why.

How data engineering suits computer science graduates

Computer science graduates have already learned the theoretical and practical applications of computers. To earn a degree in computer science, you would have to learn software, algorithms, programming, and operating systems. In short, you know how to use technology to solve problems. A data engineer must also be an expert in technology to know what tool to use where.

So there, you have the basic foundation to become a skilled data engineer. To make it simple, let’s consider a list of duties of a data engineer.

List of data engineer’s duties

  • You need to search for patterns, structures, and correlations.

  • You need to develop the right technical solution based on data research.

  • You need to know how to collect, analyze, and clean datasets using programming languages.

  • You need to use programming languages to build data pipelines and warehouses.

  • You have to implement mathematical models technically, and at times adjust those models as per requirement.

  • You need to search for patterns, structures, and correlations.

  • You need to develop the right technical solution based on data research.

  • You need to create and maintain databases.

  • You need to monitor data systems.

Analyze this list. Can you see how your education in computer science has prepared you for this role? The basic requirements to become a data engineer are:

  • You need to have strong knowledge of database concepts, algorithms, and mathematics.

  • You need to be proficient in programming languages.

  • You need to understand basic and deep statistical concepts.

While studying for your computer science degree, you would have been taught all these requirements. Your knowledge and skills can be honed to make you an expert data engineer. A career in data engineering is rewarding indeed. Read on to find out how.

6 reasons why a data engineering career is best for computer science graduates

  1. It is a fulfilling career choice because it is technically challenging. For those who love maths, data, and information technology, working with data makes your job more meaningful and enjoyable.

  2. A data engineer should be a strong developer, and with your existing computer science degree and development skills, making the shift to data engineering is easier for you than for someone without an IT background who has to learn it from scratch.

  3. Companies are into big data now and are constantly trying to overcome competition to bring in profit and stability.

  4. With evolving technology and machine learning, data engineers are in demand. The market is extremely huge and with technologies and tools always evolving, data engineers will always have a job.

  5. It pays much better than being just a developer. This is especially important in the COVID/post-COVID era where the economy has taken a beating and is bound to get worse. Something that is in demand will ensure job security.

  6. Institutions are providing full-time courses and diploma courses in data science and data engineering to help computer science graduates transition easily to working with big data.

What does this mean for you

If you are studying computer science or already possess a degree in the same field, data engineering is for you. You can improve your technical skills and learn additional important skills that will enable you to become an expert in this field. A course in data engineering, whether full-time or a diploma, will teach you all that is needed to become a data engineer.

A career in data engineering is a huge benefit, financially as well as personally. You will learn to do things on your own which will make you self-sufficient. You need not wait for someone else to help you with something. You will have the skills and resources to complete duties on your own. As a data engineer, you will get an opportunity to do something you love on a larger scale and move up the career ladder.

How AptusLearn can help you

AptusLearn offers a 6-month weekend extensive course on Data Engineering. This course is a set of live interactive sessions led by an instructor. It is a combination of both class and lab sessions. This course helps you to learn and become an expert in Cloud Computing, DevOps, database & advanced SQL.

You can progress from a data engineer to a data architect and beyond. The data engineering certificate you would receive upon successful completion of this professional course will open new opportunities for you to advance your career. AptusLearn also offers postgraduate diplomacoursese and professionalcoursese in data science. For those interested, check the following sites for more details:

These data engineering and data science courses are designed to teach you technical skills, soft skills, and life skills to build a successful career in this competitive world. Though this pandemic and the resulting economic upheaval have disrupted careers, a course in data engineering is a great choice, since it leads to a stable career. Originally posted at:

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